Joomla 1.7 NivoSlider developed by NewJoomlaTemplates in collaboration with best web hosting reviews and ratings.

Floor Wise

Brand Name Shop no. Contact No.
 Shoppers Stop   Anchor GF  0181 - 4069000
 Decathlon   Anchor LGF  8431910063
 PVR   Anchor FF  9311565544
 Ground Floor  
 Nykaa   G-1 0181 - 4649789
 I - Delta  G-3 0181 - 4157901/900; 7089078786
 Skechers  G-4 0181 - 5017531
 Jack & Jones  G-5 0181 - 4636603
 Octave   G-6  0181 - 5017704
 First Floor 
 True Value   F-1  0181 - 2911022
 Q - Digi   F-2  0181 - 4660012
 Tommy Travel Gear   F-4  0181 - 4642409
 UCB   F-6  0181 - 4155677
 Jockey   F-7  0181 - 5083266
 Second Floor 
 Peaceful SPA   S-1  0181 - 4647632 / 9056183619
 Banayan Tree SPA   S-3  0181 - 4150607 / 8447393163
 Food Court 
 Dominos  FCD-1 0181 - 4631564
 Speghetti - Club  FCD-3 9540443322
 Juice Café  FCW-04 9780306231
 China Bowls  FCD-05 9780306231
 Blend Berry  FCW-07  9034827949
 Entertainment Zone 
 Plutuss Gaming Zone   TF  0181 -  4649238 / 7889146376


MBD neopolis :: Where the experience never ends
MBD neopolis :: Where the experience never ends